What is the difference between RoHS and REACH?

What is the difference between RoHS and REACH?

11 Nov 2021
Fasteners knowledge
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          Hello everyone, this is Yamazato from HANSHIN NEJI. In the past, I have received numerous requests from customers both in Thailand and Japan saying (Request fasteners RoHS purchasing document) or (Please fill in the information in the attached REACH Excel file and return it) etc.      Even Knot needs additional documents related to substances that have an impact on the environment. The column for today is, therefore, regarding the introduction of RoHS, REACH (What is it actually about?) (What's the difference between the two?) If it eventually proves to be useful to all of you, then all the better.


RoHS is (the prohibition to use!) as for REACH, it is (notifying of what was used, and by how much each was used)

          RoHS is stand for (Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment) Restriction is the rule in limiting consumption. The European Union (EU) has set the maximum allowable concentrations for 10 items, which include Lead, Mercury, Hexavalent Chromium, Cadmium Polyprominate Biphenyls (PBB), Polyprominate Diphenyl Ether (PBDE) and 4 types of Phtalic acid. Any electrical or electronic devices that is made from raw materials with a concentration of the above substances above the stated limit will not be allowed to be produced and sold within the confines of the EU territory. RoHS is also constantly changing, so it is highly likely that there will be additional restricted substances added to the list in the future.


          REACH is stands for (Registration, Evaluation, Authorizations and Restriction of Chemicals.),      this is also another restriction which if literally translated means, 1.registration 2.consideration 3.approval and 4.restriction in the use of chemical substances. Starting from (registration), it is the requirement that manufacturers or importers to submit documents stating the technical information to the EU central authority in cases where the production of more than 1 ton of chemicals are imported per year. Subsequently, the EU central authority will then make a detailed (consideration) of the petition. In cases where the use of the chemicals may have a serious impact on human health and the environment, you will be required to seek an (approval) from the mentioned agency. Such chemicals are classified as substance of very high concern, or Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC). Currently, there are 219 items that are classified as SVHCs. There is also a mechanism in place that allows EU member states to propose additional items the list. In addition, in the event that the central authority determines that there must be measures to mitigate the risks that may occur, they may impose (restrictions) for its use. Essentially, unlike RoHS, REACH is not an outright restriction of use, but is actually a mechanism that is used to manage information and to be aware of what is being used and by how much. Permission is required only in cases of necessity.


          Humans and the world are the most important!

          Both RoHS and REACH, whether they are (unusable chemicals) or (substances where you need to report it), are considered to result in additional burdens and costs to both producers and data managers. Therefore, in the early days of enforcing these two regulations, it must have been highly criticized and met with a lot of opposition. However, if we could go back to the beginning, we would find that Europeans who have made a big decision in implementing such systems must have already given it much thought about (What is actually the most important thing). For those of us who are dealing with (Fasteners), which are industrial products, would want people, nature and the world to keep smiling no matter how many more fasteners we sell!

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